Through these doors: Connecting past and present, east and west
2012 projects includes:

1) "Through These Doors: Connecting Past and Present, East and West" Exhibition
Through these doors we foster and promote a better understanding of Buddhist history through a multi-media exhibit focused on Buddha's Birthday celebrations in medieval China.
As Buddhism travelled from India to China by way of the Silk Road, emperors established more than 1000 temples and monasteries in Luoyang, all of which joined in celebration for an annual birthday parade.
3) Northern Wei Triptych painting by Dr. Nancy Cowardin
This beautiful Northern Wei Triptych is painted from a short piece of literary description. Dr Nancy Cowardin researched into historical, cultural, economic, political, and technological background of the period and each pieces in the paintings fit together in a creative and realistic manner.
4) A Technological Marvel during the Northern Wei dynasty
This literature recorded technological advance of Later Zhao as a predessasor to Northern Wei dynasty in the text of Record of Ye .
The artist and architect, Nancy Cowardin and Peter Martin researched into historical, cultural, economic, political, and technological background of the period to create the modal of the Later Zhao Carriage.
6) Silk Road Painting by Dr. Nancy Cowardin
Besides cloth, paper and other goods, the Silk Road carried another important commodity which was equally significant in world history: Buddhism. Along with trade and migration, the world's oldest international highway was the vehicle which spread the religion throughout Central Asia. Transmission was launched from northwestern India, spreading to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Xinjiang (Chinese Turkistan), China, Korea, and Japan. Buddhism not only affected the lives and cultures of those regions, but also left us with a world of wonders in arts and literature.
7) Buddha's Birthday Song and Silk Road Music by Mario Cee
You can listen to these music on Audio page.