The Buddha’s Birthday Education Project undertakes unique projects annually to showcase the message of the Buddha in various and accessible mediums.
Throughout our young but fruitful history, we have created artworks, videos, apps and commemorative books to bring the history of Buddhism to the community.
In addition, volunteers “on the ground” reach out directly to the public through tour guides, organisation of dharma talks and art and games activities.
BBEP has displayed throughout various states in Australia and internationally.
With this library of BBEP resources, we hope to assist in the creation of your own special BBEP exhibition.
Preview past exhibitions
View our training videos to have an overview about how BBEP exhibitions is set up. Training videos will give you an ideas how to prepare for the BBEP exhibition.
Browse our exhibits
Exhibits are categorised under videos, paintings, musics, etc. You can view each exhibits details such as file size, file type, image resolution, print size, print instruction, text description and so on.
Select and download exhibits
Click the Download button to download the exhibits that come with all the relevant working files and instructions. Only members have permission to download the files.